"Dance, an art form; the body,
an instrument. Learn to play the instrument so you can master the art
form."-Debbie Dee

When the “rules of dance” were
written down by Pierre Beauchamp, they included the five positions that are
the basis for ballet today and the concept of turnout. Today’s turnout is much more exaggerated and
extreme than it was originally, and perfect 180° turnout is the ideal to which today’s ballet dancers aspire.

Since few dancers are born with an
ideal body structure for turnout, ballet dancers often feel the need to force
their legs to rotate more than is anatomically feasible. Dancers bend their knees, outwardly rotate their
feet and then force the body to hold that position while they straighten their
legs. It is quite easy to spot the
dancer who is forcing turnout. Teachers
need to check to see if the dancers’ kneecaps, or patellas, are facing the same
direction as their toes. If they are
not, the rotation is being forced and the dancer is probably struggling to hold
the position.
It is the struggle to maintain
forced turnout, which can lead to a variety of problems. In an attempt to hold forced turnout and
remain balanced, the dancer begins to grip the floor with the toes, which keeps
the plantar tendon in a contracted state which inflames the tendon and
eventually results in plantar fasciitis.
The dancer may also begin to pronate, or roll forward at the ankle. Pronation causes the dancer to use the inside
of the foot when pushing off the floor for relevés and jumps instead of using
the bottom of the foot. In addition to
making the movement less efficient, this action puts pressure on the big toe joint,
which will become inflamed and irritated, and eventually a bunion will develop.
Forcing turnout from the ankle also
causes the tibia, the large shinbone, to twist.
This twisting irritates the tibialis posterior muscle, which attaches to
the tibia, and can result in shin splints.

Lastly, in order to balance while
forcing turnout and pronating, the body compensates by tipping the pelvis
forward. As this happens, the curve in
the lumbar spine increases, causing swayback, or lordosis. Lordosis stretches the hamstrings, puts a
strain on the lower back and decreases the shock absorption quality of the
The feet are the body’s
foundation. Just like any change in a
foundation causes detrimental shifts in a building, when the feet are placed in
an unstable position, the other body parts must shift to compensate for the
instability. It is imperative that
turnout originate at the hip joint and not be forced from the ankle or knee. An efficient, healthy dancer is one who
learns to make the most of his or her body, respecting and working with its
strengths and within its limitations.