"If you don't take care of your body, where will you live?" - Author Unknown

All too
often, class time runs out and movement draws to a complete stop. The teacher dismisses the class, the students
bow, clap, and quickly exit the studio to make room for the next class.
In order to
stay healthy and minimize the stress on the body, it is important for all
dancers to learn about the benefits of a cool-down. Just as the warm-up prepares the body for
what is to come, the cool-down slowly returns the body to the pre-exercise,
resting state.
A cool-down
is a gradual decrease in activity that allows the heart rate and the breathing,
or respiratory, rate to gradually slow down and return to normal. As this slowing occurs, blood circulation
also gradually slows. Without this
gradual decrease in activity, a quick drop in heart rate will decrease the
pressure in the arteries rapidly. This
sudden drop in blood pressure can cause dizziness and fainting.
cool-down takes no longer than 5 minutes at the end of class and provides the
benefits of decreasing some of the stress exercise puts on the body, avoids
dizziness or fainting, assists in developing range of motion, and helps
decrease muscle spasms and cramping after class.
If time
does not allow for a cool-down in class, each dancer should take responsibility
for the health of his or her body and perform an individual cool-down,
including stretching. It will take only
a few minutes out of the day, but will keep you dancing healthier, and your
body will thank you for it!